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- /*
- * parse.c - iffparse file IO support module
- * based on some of looki.c by Leo Schwab
- *
- * The filename for clipboard is -c or -cUnit as in -c0 -c1 etc. (default 0)
- *
- * 39.10 - fix CloseClipboard() cast to (struct ClipboardHandle *)
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include "iffp/iff.h"
- /* local function prototypes */
- static LONG stdio_stream(struct Hook *, struct IFFHandle *, struct IFFStreamCmd *);
- UBYTE *omodes[2] = {"r","w"};
- /* openifile
- *
- * Passed a ParseInfo structure with a not-in-use IFFHandle, filename
- * ("-c" or -cUnit like "-c1" for clipboard), and IFF open mode
- * (IFFF_READ or IFFF_WRITE) opens file or clipboard for use with
- * iffparse.library support modules.
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- LONG openifile(struct ParseInfo *pi, UBYTE *filename, ULONG iffopenmode)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- BOOL cboard;
- LONG error;
- if(!pi) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!(iff=pi->iff)) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- cboard = (*filename == '-' && filename[1] == 'c');
- if(cboard && filename[2]) unit = atoi(&filename[2]);
- if (cboard)
- {
- /*
- * Set up IFFHandle for Clipboard I/O.
- */
- pi->clipboard = TRUE;
- if (!(iff->iff_Stream =
- (ULONG)OpenClipboard(unit)))
- {
- message(SI(MSG_IFFP_NOCLIP_D),unit);
- return(NOFILE);
- }
- InitIFFasClip(iff);
- }
- else
- {
- pi->clipboard = FALSE;
- /*
- * Set up IFFHandle for buffered stdio I/O.
- */
- if (!(iff->iff_Stream = (ULONG)
- fopen(filename, omodes[iffopenmode & 1])))
- {
- message(SI(MSG_IFFP_NOFILE_S),filename);
- return(NOFILE);
- }
- else initiffasstdio(iff);
- }
- D(bug("%s file opened: \n", cboard ? "[Clipboard]" : (char *)filename));
- pi->filename = filename;
- error=OpenIFF(iff, iffopenmode);
- pi->opened = error ? FALSE : TRUE; /* currently open handle */
- D(bug("OpenIFF error = %ld\n",error));
- return(error);
- }
- /* closeifile
- *
- * closes file or clipboard opened with openifile, and frees all
- * iffparse context parsed by parseifile.
- *
- * Note - You should closeifile as soon as possible if using clipboard
- * ("-c[n]"). You also need to closeifile if, for example, you wish to
- * reopen the file to write changes back out. See the copychunks.c
- * module for routines which allow you clone the chunks iffparse has
- * gathered so that you can closeifile and still be able to modify and
- * write back out gathered chunks.
- *
- */
- void closeifile(struct ParseInfo *pi)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- D(bug("closeifile:\n"));
- if(!pi) return;
- if(!(iff=pi->iff)) return;
- DD(bug("closeifile: About to CloseIFF if open, iff=$%lx, opened=%ld\n",
- iff, pi->opened));
- if(pi->opened) CloseIFF(iff);
- DD(bug("closeifile: About to close %s, stream=$%lx\n",
- pi->clipboard ? "clipboard" : "file", iff->iff_Stream));
- if(iff->iff_Stream)
- {
- if (pi->clipboard)
- CloseClipboard((struct ClipboardHandle *)(iff->iff_Stream));
- else
- fclose ((FILE *)(iff->iff_Stream));
- }
- iff->iff_Stream = NULL;
- pi->clipboard = NULL;
- pi->opened = NULL;
- }
- /* parseifile
- *
- * Passed a ParseInfo with an initialized and open IFFHandle,
- * grouptype (like ID_FORM), groupid (like ID_ILBM),
- * and TAG_DONE terminated longword arrays of type,id
- * for chunks to be grabbed, gathered, and stopped on
- * will parse an IFF file, grabbing/gathering and stopping
- * on specified chunk.
- *
- * Note - you can call getcontext() (to continue after a stop chunk) or
- * nextcontext() (after IFFERR_EOC, to parse next form in the same file)
- * if you wish to continue parsing the same IFF file. If parseifile()
- * has to delve into a complex format to find your desired FORM, the
- * pi->hunt flag will be set. This should be a signal to you that
- * you may not have the capability to simply modify and rewrite
- * the data you have gathered.
- *
- * Returns 0 for success else and IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- LONG parseifile(
- struct ParseInfo *pi,
- LONG groupid, LONG grouptype,
- LONG *propchks, LONG*collectchks, LONG*stopchks)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- register struct ContextNode *cn;
- LONG error = 0L;
- D(bug("parseifile:\n"));
- if(!(iff=pi->iff)) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!iff->iff_Stream) return(IFFERR_READ);
- pi->hunt = FALSE;
- /*
- * Declare property, collection and stop chunks.
- */
- if (propchks)
- if (error = PropChunks (iff, propchks, chkcnt(propchks)))
- return (error);
- if (collectchks)
- if (error =
- CollectionChunks(iff, collectchks, chkcnt(collectchks)))
- return (error);
- if (stopchks)
- if (error = StopChunks (iff, stopchks, chkcnt(stopchks)))
- return (error);
- /*
- * We want to stop at the end of an ILBM context.
- */
- if (grouptype)
- if (error = StopOnExit (iff, grouptype, groupid))
- return(error);
- /*
- * Take first parse step to enter main chunk.
- */
- if (error = ParseIFF (iff, IFFPARSE_STEP))
- return(error);
- /*
- * Test the chunk info to see if simple form of type we want (ILBM).
- */
- if (!(cn = CurrentChunk (iff)))
- {
- /*
- * This really should never happen. If it does, it means
- * our parser is broken.
- */
- message(SI(MSG_IFFP_NOTOP));
- return(NOFILE);
- }
- if (cn->cn_ID != groupid || cn->cn_Type != grouptype)
- {
- D(bug("This is a(n) %.4s.%.4s. Looking for embedded %.4s's...\n",
- &cn->cn_Type, &cn->cn_ID, &grouptype));
- pi->hunt = TRUE; /* Warning - this is a complex file */
- }
- if(!error) error = getcontext(iff);
- return(error);
- }
- /* chkcnt
- *
- * simply counts the number of chunk pairs (type,id) in array
- */
- LONG chkcnt(LONG *taggedarray)
- {
- LONG k = 0;
- while(taggedarray[k] != TAG_DONE) k++;
- return(k>>1);
- }
- /* currentchunkis
- *
- * returns the ID of the current chunk (like ID_CAMG)
- */
- LONG currentchunkis(struct IFFHandle *iff, LONG type, LONG id)
- {
- register struct ContextNode *cn;
- LONG result = 0;
- if (cn = CurrentChunk (iff))
- {
- if((cn->cn_Type == type)&&(cn->cn_ID == id)) result = 1;
- }
- return(result);
- }
- /* contextis
- *
- * returns the enclosing context of the current chunk (like ID_ILBM)
- */
- LONG contextis(struct IFFHandle *iff, LONG type, LONG id)
- {
- register struct ContextNode *cn;
- LONG result = 0;
- if (cn = (CurrentChunk (iff)))
- {
- if (cn = (ParentChunk(cn)))
- {
- if((cn->cn_Type == type)&&(cn->cn_ID == id)) result = 1;
- }
- }
- D(bug("This is a %.4s %.4s\n",&cn->cn_Type,&cn->cn_ID));
- return(result);
- }
- /* getcontext()
- *
- * Continues to gather the context which was specified to parseifile(),
- * stopping at specified stop chunk, or end of context, or EOF
- *
- * Returns 0 (stopped on a stop chunk)
- * or IFFERR_EOC (end of context, not an error)
- * or IFFER_EOF (end of file)
- */
- LONG getcontext(struct IFFHandle *iff)
- {
- LONG error = 0L;
- /* Based on our parse initialization,
- * ParseIFF() will return on a stop chunk (error = 0)
- * or end of context for an ILBM FORM (error = IFFERR_EOC)
- * or end of file (error = IFFERR_EOF)
- */
- return(error = ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_SCAN));
- }
- /* nextcontext
- *
- * If you have finished parsing and reading your context (IFFERR_EOC),
- * nextcontext will enter the next context contained in the file
- * and parse it.
- *
- * Returns 0 or an IFFERR such as IFFERR_EOF (end of file)
- */
- LONG nextcontext(struct IFFHandle *iff)
- {
- LONG error = 0L;
- error = ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_STEP);
- D(bug("nextcontext: Got through next step\n"));
- return(error);
- }
- /* findpropdata
- *
- * finds specified chunk parsed from IFF file, and
- * returns pointer to its sp_Data (or 0 for not found)
- */
- UBYTE *findpropdata(struct IFFHandle *iff,LONG type,LONG id)
- {
- register struct StoredProperty *sp;
- if(sp = FindProp (iff, type, id)) return(sp->sp_Data);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * File I/O hook functions which the IFF library will call.
- * A return of 0 indicates success (no error).
- *
- * Iffparse.library calls this code via struct Hook and Hook.asm
- */
- static LONG
- stdio_stream (struct Hook *hook, struct IFFHandle *iff,
- struct IFFStreamCmd *actionpkt)
- {
- register FILE *stream;
- register LONG nbytes;
- register int actual;
- register UBYTE *buf;
- long len;
- stream = (FILE *) iff->iff_Stream;
- if(!stream) return(1);
- nbytes = actionpkt->sc_NBytes;
- buf = (UBYTE *) actionpkt->sc_Buf;
- switch (actionpkt->sc_Command) {
- do {
- actual = nbytes > 32767 ? 32767 : nbytes;
- if ((len=fread (buf, 1, actual, stream)) != actual)
- break;
- nbytes -= actual;
- buf += actual;
- } while (nbytes > 0);
- return (nbytes ? IFFERR_READ : 0 );
- do {
- actual = nbytes > 32767 ? 32767 : nbytes;
- if ((len=fwrite (buf, 1, actual, stream)) != actual)
- break;
- nbytes -= actual;
- buf += actual;
- } while (nbytes > 0);
- return (nbytes ? IFFERR_WRITE : 0);
- return ((fseek (stream, nbytes, 1) == -1) ? IFFERR_SEEK : 0);
- default:
- /* No _INIT or _CLEANUP required. */
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /* initiffasstdio (ie. init iff as stdio)
- *
- * sets up hook callback for the file stream handler above
- */
- void initiffasstdio (struct IFFHandle *iff)
- {
- extern LONG HookEntry();
- static struct Hook stdiohook = {
- { NULL },
- (ULONG (*)()) HookEntry,
- (ULONG (*)()) stdio_stream,
- };
- /*
- * Initialize the IFF structure to point to the buffered I/O
- * routines. Unbuffered I/O is terribly slow.
- */
- InitIFF (iff, IFFF_FSEEK | IFFF_RSEEK, &stdiohook);
- }
- /*
- * PutCk
- *
- * Writes one chunk of data to an iffhandle
- *
- */
- long PutCk(struct IFFHandle *iff, long id, long size, void *data)
- {
- long error = 0, wlen;
- D(bug("PutCk: asked to push chunk \"%.4s\" ($%lx) length %ld\n",&id,id,size));
- if(error=PushChunk(iff, 0, id, size))
- {
- D(bug("PutCk: PushChunk of %.4s, error = %s, size = %ld\n",
- id, IFFerr(error), id));
- }
- else
- {
- D(bug("PutCk: PushChunk of %.4s, error = %ld\n",&id, error));
- /* Write the actual data */
- if((wlen = WriteChunkBytes(iff,data,size)) != size)
- {
- D(bug("WriteChunkBytes error: size = %ld, wrote %ld\n",size,wlen));
- error = IFFERR_WRITE;
- }
- else error = PopChunk(iff);
- D(bug("PutCk: After PopChunk - error = %ld\n",error));
- }
- return(error);
- }